(Ewa) #1

Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus + program. Action ka2, Strategic partnerships,
Vocational education and training sector
No of the project: 2018 - 1 - PL01-KA202- 051120

Students evaluate themselves on a scale from 1 (lowest
level) to 10 (highest level).

which sides they are happy with and which they would
like to change. How?

Step 2:
Reflection on the
roles and
challenges in the

Students present their reflections on the game on the
basis of questions written by the teacher on a flipchart:

  • What was my role in the game and how did I find myself
    in it?

  • What role in the game would I like to play in the future?

  • What skills did I use in the game?

  • What have I learned about myself and my competences
    thanks to participation in the game?

  • What was the easiest for me and what was the

11 - 35

If the number of students is small, you can ask
everyone to give a short comment.

If students will focus on negative situations (e.g., role
mismatch, failure), ask: What has this situation taught

You can write down the skills and competences that the
students talk about. They will be used to debate the
characteristics of the employee / employer.

Step 3:
Sales success

The duck buying student discusses the product
presentation strategies that allowed the sellers to get the
highest prices.

35 - 40

You can give your students feedback based on your
own observations.



What qualities of an employee / entrepreneur allow to
achieve success on the market? 40 -^45
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