(Ewa) #1

Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus + program. Action ka2, Strategic partnerships,
Vocational education and training sector
No of the project: 2018 - 1 - PL01-KA202- 051120

Entrepreneurship Syllabus Co-Creation Lesson Plan

For: Environmental Entrepreneurship for upper secondary science-humanities courses – subjects: English and Biology

Length: 100 minutes + 50 minutes

Prepared by




Topic: OUR WORLD: Eco-friendly lifestyles

Reducing and Reusing _ a must to save the Planet

Age/level: 16/

Essential question:

How can I as a student contribute to help

solve the problem of ocean pollution?

Objectives: Show students/Students will:

  • the students are supposed to enlarge their knowledge the problems of an over consumerist
    society and the problem of plastic pollution

  • they are encouraged to come up with ways of reducing and / or reusing plastic by creating
    their own product
    The Great Pacific Garbage Patch video (

  • worksheets 1 and 2

Educator Guide Time


Viewing video taking down notes

The students are being made aware of the
state of our oceans as the consequence of our
over consumerist throwaway society and the
impact of the patches of plastic in our oceans
and consequently our lives.

0 - 5

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch video is shown

Step 1:
Understanding general vocabulary

The teacher leads in the general class
discussion with questions like: What are the
main problems stated in this videoclip?
Are there any parts you did not understand?
5 - 15
An association of ideas is put on the
board/screen as a way to gather the necessary
vocabulary to be able to talk / write about the

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