Yoga Girl

(WallPaper) #1

all do it, no matter our age or body type. We can practice whether we’re
tired or energized, during the day or night . . . as long as the breath is
there. Daily yoga helps because the thing that hurts us in the long run is
our mind, not our body. We can weigh a million pounds, but that alone is
not going to make us unhappy. It’s our mind’s perception of this fact that
will make us unhappy. It’s the thinking that hurts us. When we say “I
should” or “they shouldn’t” or “I would be better if . . .”—this is the reason
we feel so inadequate. Yoga helps calm the mind so we can free ourselves
from these destructive thought patterns.
I used to think I wasn’t good enough, thin enough, smart enough,
pretty enough. And I was always trying to find something that would help
me get better, thinner, smarter, prettier, because then at last I would be
happy. But I finally realized that nothing from the outside will ever fix my
inside. Even if I am a supermodel or the smartest person in the world, my
mind will keep trying to find the next thing to fix. at is why we have to
find balance and happiness inside, not outside. Exercise is good and taking
care of our body is good, but we need to do it mindfully. Once we realize
that we are already beautiful, intelligent, perfect, the rest will fall into
We will start making decisions throughout our day that will heal our
body. And we will make these decisions automatically, because we love
ourselves. So it will be natural to go for the fruit instead of candy, to move,
to meditate, to eat meals that build us up instead of eating things that
break us down. And this is where balance comes from.
It took me a long time to find a balance in life, and I still struggle
through days when all I want to do is lie in bed and eat my weight in
chocolate. Who doesn’t? And sometimes I do that too, trust me—and it’s
okay! As long as those days are not overpowering your life. Find what
makes you happy, accept your highs and lows, and remember: this too
shall pass. Stay beautiful, inside and out. Love your body. Love your soul.
ese days I stay away from labels completely. I eat a diet that consists
of mostly whole foods, vegetables and fruits, grains, and legumes. I also eat

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