Use daily affirmations to attract all of the beautiful things you want in life.
Affirmations are positive statements about ourselves or our situation that can help us
reprogram how we think, feel, and perceive our surroundings. An affirmation will
enforce your belief in what you’re looking to manifest and create in your life. If you’re
looking to de-stress, for example, instead of thinking “I want to get rid of stress” or “I
want to find peace,” affirm: “I am calm.” Imagining your desired state of being as
something that already exists here and now will transform life in a very powerful way.
Here are some beautiful affirmations to use for your day-to-day life:
“I am a magnet for the goodness of life. I attract beautiful experiences, qualities,
and situations. Love, peace, abundance, and joy are coming my way. All good things
flow to me, and I receive freely without hesitation. I am free. I am blessed. I am whole. I
am one with all that is.”
“I am STRONG. I have the power to turn any challenging situation to my favor.
Negativity bounces off me, as I choose to invite only love into my world. If fear does
enter my life, I will use my inner strength to transform it into loving power. I am strong,
and I know that every challenge I’m presented with in life is a loving reminder from the
universe to connect back to my inner power. I do not hesitate to use my strength
when needed.”