The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Distinguishing the Difference Between Oppression, Obsession,
and Possession

resisted him, he would have fled from her (Matt. 18:18;
James 4:7).
On the first Saturday of May 1943, this Full Gospel
minister was brought to our parsonage by her sister.
My wife and I didn't know they were coming. But here's
something I want you to see.
That morning after breakfast, my wife and I went
about our usual morning chores. I always washed the
dishes and cleaned up the kitchen; it was a habit of
mine. I expected my wife to help me in the ministry, so
it was only right that I help her around the house. All
the time I was cleaning up the kitchen, I was praying in
other tongues, not loudly, but just to myself. I had an
inward urge or leading to do so.
Then I went over to the church next door and
checked to see that everything was in order for the
service the next day, and as I did, I was continually
praying in tongues. It seemed like I had a divine urge to
pray in other tongues. Don't misunderstand me; the
Holy Spirit wasn't forcing me to pray, for He is a
Gentleman, and He doesn't force us to do anything. He
gently leads. The devil pushes, but the Holy Spirit
gently leads and urges.
For the rest of the morning I just went about my
business, but I yielded to that urge on the inside to pray
in tongues. When people were around, I just prayed on
the inside, quietly to myself and to the Lord. Then I
walked to the post office to get the mail, because they
didn't deliver mail in those days. The entire time, I
followed that divine urging to pray in other tongues. My
spirit was communicating with God (1 Cor. 14:2,14).
I would say from eight o'clock in the morning until
about two o'clock in the afternoon, I spent the majority

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