The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

Actually, when we rely on our own power and might,
we labor and labor, and very little is accomplished. But
if we'll put the Greater One on the inside to work for us,
He will rise up big in us and give illumination to our
minds and direction to our spirits, which we can't get
from any other source. And He always leads us in line
with the holy written Word of God.
So as we were all seeking God's direction, I prayed,
"Lord, show me how to minister to this woman." When I
said that, the anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon
me, and the Holy Spirit said to me, "Go stand in front of
her and say, 'Come out, you unclean spirit in the Name
of Jesus.'"
I was reluctant to do that because I'd never been in
a situation quite like that before. When I didn't obey
God, the anointing lifted and left me, and then there
was nothing I could do. You see, casting out a demon in
a situation like this has to be done under the anointing
and power of the Holy Spirit.
Then the Holy Spirit rebuked me for disobeying. I
said to the Lord, "Lord, let that anointing come on me
again, and I'll obey." I knew there was no use standing
there saying, "Come out!" without the anointing of the
Holy Spirit. If it were just me in the flesh trying to cast
that demon out, I knew nothing would happen. But the
anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon me again, and I
obeyed God and said to the evil spirit, "Come out, thou
unclean spirit in the Name of Jesus."
The woman didn't look any different afterwards; she
looked and acted just as mentally insane as she had
before. Nothing happened as far as I could tell. Her
sister bundled her up and took her home. But even
though there was no perceptible difference in her, I
knew she was delivered; no one could have told me

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