The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

fast to his idols. He had opened wide the door to the
devil, and the Lord knew he would never repent. I never
did pray for him after that. I just couldn't. Others did,
but the Lord told me not to and the man died at an
early age. He was about fifty-four years old when he
I inquired of his relatives how he died. They said he
died cursing God, yet at one time, he was a believer.
Isn't that terrible! But that can happen when you open
a door to the devil and persist in sin and never turn
from it and repent.
Was that God's will? Of course not! But, you see, it's
dangerous to be in Satan's territory. The devil can
mislead people, and it's possible that they can come to
the place where they willfully and deliberately don't
want anything to do with God.
It's dangerous to listen to the lies of the devil and
get out of fellowship with God and get into sin. And it is
possible for believers, if they are over in Satan's
territory, to just coldly and deliberately not want
anything more to do with God.
But you need to realize that there is a vast
difference between believers who desire to walk with
God, but occasionally stumble and fall, yet don't intend
to, and those believers who just willfully and
deliberately persist in wrongdoing and intentionally
turn away from God and deny Him.

The Last Opportunity
I was holding meetings in west Texas in 1945. One
of the board members said to me, "Brother Hagin, I
want to ask you a question." He went on to explain that
a previous pastor had originally built that church and

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