The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

Jesus told me that I could deal with the evil spirit
that was influencing her, because that demon was
hindering His servant in the work of the ministry. I
found out later that she had been calling her former
husband, this pastor, threatening to come to town to
make trouble for him.
As a member of the Body of Christ, I had authority
over the devil that was hindering and coming against
the Lord's servant, this pastor. But that didn't mean
this woman would be delivered of this evil spirit
because she didn't want to be delivered. She wanted
that demon; she didn't want to give it up. Besides, she
had already committed the unpardonable sin by
denying Christ. But by dealing with the evil spirit that
was influencing her, the demon could no longer harass
and intimidate God's servant, this pastor.
I asked Jesus, "Lord, how do I deal with the evil
spirit in this woman?"
The Lord answered, "You just simply say, You foul
spirit that is operating and manifesting yourself in the
life of __ (and Jesus called the woman's
name), intimidating, harassing, and deterring the
ministry of ___, (and Jesus called the pastor's
name), I command you to stop in your operations
against him. I command you to cease and desist in your
maneuvers, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.'"
I said, "Is that all I have to do?"
I thought perhaps I would have to prepare myself
and get ready or some big battle or something.
Sometimes because of our religious teaching, we think
we have to pray for a week before we can exercise our
authority over the devil. Or we think maybe we ought o
fast several meals before we could attempt to deal with
the devil.

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