The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

me he didn't see or hear anything, but he knew I both
saw and heard something.
I asked him what he'd been laughing about. He said
he'd gotten a phone call and a letter that day from his
former wife saying she was going to come to town to
make trouble for him and his ministry. When we were
praying, the pastor had sensed in his spirit that the
devil who was operating through her had been dealt
with. By faith the pastor could see that devil on the run.
I told him I'd actually seen the spirit that was involved,
and that I'd seen it run away like a whipped dog. That
was what we were both laughing about, so we were both
in the Spirit.

Check Up on Spiritual Revelations
and Visions
I like to check up both scripturally and naturally on
the validity of spiritual revelations and visions I
receive. In other words, I don't accept revelations and
visions just because they occur. I described to this
pastor in detail what I'd seen in the vision. I told him
about the minister (the head of that woman's
denomination) going to a certain hotel where this
pastor's ex-wife was staying with another man. I
related to the pastor what his ex-wife had said to the
The pastor exclaimed, "That's exactly what
happened! The man you saw in the vision is the district
superintendent of the denomination we belonged to.
And that's exactly what he told me that she said and
I had no knowledge of any of that in the natural;
there was no way I could have known that except by the

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