The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

In other words, when the demon in the madman of
Gadara cried out with a loud voice, “... What have I to
do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I
adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not” (Mark
5:7), that was heard in the natural realm. The ruler of
darkness was speaking through this man, using his
voice, and anyone present that day could have heard
him say that.
Jesus also said if I had been there that day, I would
have heard the possessing demon answer Jesus and
say, “... My name is Legion: for we are many ...” (Mark
5:9). The possessing demon named Legion was using
the man's vocal chords to talk to Jesus.
Jesus said, "But if you had been there, or if any
other human being had been present that day, you
would not have heard all the devils speak up and say to
Me, 'Send us into the swine, that we may enter into
them' [Mark 5:12]. That could only be heard in the
spiritual realm by the gift of discerning of spirits in
You see, when all those demons spoke up and said
that to Jesus, they were not talking through the man,
using the man's voice. They were speaking in the spirit
realm, and Jesus heard them because the gift of
discerning of spirits was in manifestation in His life.
Jesus told me that because I had this gift of
discerning of spirits, at times I would see and hear into
the realm of spirits when I was in the Spirit. That
scares some people, but it shouldn't because “... greater
is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John
Sometimes when I've been ministering in healing
lines, for example, I've had evil spirits in people speak
to me before I've ever said a word to the person. I heard

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