The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
How to Deal With Evil Spirits

So I asked Jesus, "Where do evil spirits go when
they are cast out of a person?" I'd heard preachers try to
cast evil spirits into the abyss or pit (Rev. 20:3). So I
asked Jesus if I should cast these spirits into the pit or
into hell.
Jesus answered, "No, you can't cast evil spirits into
hell or into the abyss. The Bible says that when I would
go into the synagogues, those demons would cry out, “...
What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God?
art thou come hither to torment us BEFORE THE
TIME?" (Matt. 8:29).
Jesus said, "You see, their time hasn't come yet.
Don't you know that if it were possible to cast evil
spirits into the abyss, when I was on the earth, I would
have cast all of them in there I could. That would have
left that many less for you to put up with."
Why hasn't the time come yet for evil spirits to be
cast into the abyss? Because Satan is presently 'the god
of this world' until Adam's lease runs out that Satan
has been using (2 Cor. 4:4), Satan has a legal right—but
not a moral right—to be here.
I asked Jesus, "What happens to those evil spirits
that are cast out of people?"
Jesus said, "Haven't you ever read in My Word,
'When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks
through dry places seeking rest'" (Matt. 12:43). Then in
the vision, I saw the demon that had possessed the
man, walking through dry places.
Jesus continued, "When you cast evil spirits out of
people, they walk through the dry places. They are still
here on earth seeking rest. And finding none, they try
to go back to the "house" they came out of, if that person
will let them back in [Matt. 12:44], They will stay in

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