The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

that person until they are cast out again or until the
person dies."
The person's body or soul becomes the demon's
"house." So when the person dies, the demon will leave
that "house" and look for someone else to inhabit.
Some years after this vision, I was standing in a
hospital room when a man died who had had a serious
stomach problem. When he died, something jumped
from him to me. (Not all stomach problems are caused
by the presence of a demon, but they can be.) That thing
hit me in the stomach like I'd been shot with a BB gun,
and my stomach began to burn like fire. I said, "No, you
don't, devil! You are not getting into me, in Jesus'
Name!" And that demon left me immediately.

A Word of Caution
There is something we need to realize about
spiritual things. Every revelation or vision must be
looked at in the light of God's Word. In other words, just
because you've had a vision, don't just accept it and run
away with it and begin to build doctrine on it and teach
it wherever you go. Compare it with the Word of God
and see if it lines up.
If I have a spiritual revelation of any kind, I don't
just run out and began acting on it or began teaching it.
I stop and think over what I've seen and meditate on it
in the light of God's Word before I start implementing
what I've learned or teaching it. The Lord told me one
time He would rather I be too slow than too fast.
Jesus told me that some people receive a little
revelation, and they grab it and run off with it and
many times get into error. They usually end up getting
things in a mess. It's better to be careful and let the

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