Is the Deliverance Ministry Scriptural?
Actually, many of the current "deliverance teachers"
are little more than novices in the ministry, having
been in the ministry less than ten to fifteen years. I
have been in the ministry for almost sixty years. Just
by virtue of being in the ministry a while, I've seen
certain patterns reoccurring from time to time in the
Body of Christ.
For example, the current "deliverance" teaching is
not a new doctrine or a special revelation for the last
days, as some of these "deliverance" teachers would
have you believe. I have seen the so-called "deliverance"
ministry come and go, even when I was a young
minister back in the 1930s and 1940s. It seems to rise
up about every fifteen to twenty years, and it draws a
certain segment of Christians into it.
When some Christians are sufficiently off track and
caught up in excess, others begin to see the error in
doctrine, and it begins to wane. Then the devil causes
some other "wind of doctrine" to surface and draws
others off into excesses in another area. The Bible says
we are not to be ignorant of the devil's wiles—his
methods to deceive.
True Deliverance From Anything
That Binds
Yes, there is a true deliverance, but it is not the
deliverance that is built on human experience, as so
many are teaching today. It is deliverance based solidly
on the written, anointed Word of God, and it is
accomplished by the direction and power of the Holy
It does not matter what kind of experiences
"deliverance" ministers claim to have had. If their