For details on how to obtain a copy, write
Monterey County Braille Transcribers, P.O. Box DF,
Pacific Grove, CA 93950.
———. Hindi translation of the 1st edition of How to
Grow More Vegetables. Willits, CA: Ecology Action,
70 pp.
———. 1972 Preliminary Research Report. Palo Alto,
CA: Ecology Action of the Midpeninsula, 1973. 22 pp.
Ecology Action’s first data report on the Biointensive
method and implications for small farmers.
———. 1972–1975 Research Report Summary. Palo
Alto, CA: Ecology Action, 1976. 19 pp. Summary of
data and projections of Ecology Action’s first four years
of research with Biointensive techniques.
———. “Quantitative Research on the
Biodynamic/French Intensive Method.” In Small Scale
Intensive Food Production—Improving the Nutrition of
the Most Economically Disadvantaged Families, pp.
32–38. Washington, DC: League for International Food
Education, 1977. Workshop proceedings prepared on
behalf of the Office of Nutrition, Bureau for Technical
Assistance, U.S. Agency of International Development.
Jeavons, John, and Carol Cox. The Sustainable
Vegetable Garden. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press,
118 pp. The basic GROW BIOINTENSIVE book
for those just starting. Also gives specific
recommendations on the best crops to grow and how
much to grow for an entire family.