Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels
638 TINTIN Th e modern Tintin canon comprises 24 books, from the black-and-white Tintin in the Land of the Soviets (1930) to the ...
TINTIN 639 Second, each installment had to capture the attention of the reader with a mixture of suspense and entertainment. Her ...
640 TOMB OF DRACULA Although Tintin’s appearance and behavior undergo changes over the years, he remains at all times a seeker a ...
TOMB OF DRACULA 641 and the principal heroes include Frank Drake, a descendant of Dracula; Rachel van Helsing, a descendant of D ...
642 TOM STRONG and the 1992–94 series Nightstalkers, which stars Frank, Blade, and King. A 1980 ani- mated movie based on the se ...
TOM STRONG 643 Th e Ozu also allow the Strongs to freely conduct their experiment, which, according to Sinclair Strong, is “to p ...
644 TOTH, ALEX moment. In fact, many To m S t r o n g covers are parodies of those of famous superhero comics throughout the dec ...
TRANSMETROPOLITAN 645 Toth was drafted into the military in 1954 and served in Tokyo, where he wrote and drew a weekly adventure ...
646 TRANSMETROPOLITAN as another presidential election campaign grinds on. His rare and genuine aff ection for Dr. Vita Severn, ...
U UNDERGROUND AND ADULT COMICS. Commonly referred to as “comix,” underground comics are a form of outsider comics art characteri ...
648 UNDERGROUND AND ADULT COMICS graphic detail, celebrities, political fi gures, or fi ctional characters using obscene languag ...
UNDERGROUND AND ADULT COMICS 649 It is diffi cult to identify when and where the fi rst underground comic book was “published,” ...
650 UNDERGROUND AND ADULT COMICS such as the 1971 Air Pirate Funnies with a parody of Disney characters that embroiled Dan O’Nei ...
UNDERGROUND AND ADULT COMICS 651 more freedom, and by a new distribution model that circumvented the Comics Code and encouraged ...
652 UNDERGROUND AND ADULT COMICS of fantasy and horror comics, such as Savage Tales and Tales of the Zombie, containing material ...
UNDERGROUND AND ADULT COMICS 653 Danzig’s Verotik line of comics off ered characters ranging from demonesses to zombie hookers i ...
654 UNDERGROUND AND ADULT COMICS other Vertigo titles. Th e books under the Marvel Max imprint and the occasional adult title fr ...
UNDERGROUND AND ADULT COMICS 655 enemies, but they also did more than most publishers to force the comic book medium to mature i ...
V VAMPIRES AND ZOMBIES. While vampires and zombies have been common stock for fi lms and books for much of the 20th century, the ...
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