Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels
DARK HORSE PRESENTS 137 Dark Horse joined forces with the social networking site, MySpace.com, to relaunch its fi rst series Dar ...
138 DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, THE beginning with issue #51 in 1991 and lasting to issue #62 (in which the entire issue was devoted to ...
DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, THE 139 resulting showdown between DC’s two fl agship heroes ends when Batman, using superior intellect and ...
140 DAVIS, ALAN Regan-esque president and fi ghts Russian troops and other communist armies in Th ird World countries, evoking U ...
DC COMICS 141 he co-created Excalibur with Claremont, a series uniting Captain Britain with several X-Men characters in a U.K.-b ...
142 DC COMICS Services, which subsequently purchased Warner Brothers in 1969, and formed Warner Communications in 1972, with DC ...
DC COMICS 143 Lantern, Th e Flash , Wonder Woman, and the Justice Society of America. DC consolidated other areas of their publi ...
144 DC COMICS dealt with drug abuse, featuring Speedy, Green Arrow’s young sidekick, dealing with a heroin addiction. In the 198 ...
DC: THE NEW FRONTIER 145 In 1999, DC acquired WildStorm, an independent publisher founded by the art- ist Jim Lee. WildStorm was ...
146 DC: THE NEW FRONTIER appears in the fi rst illustrated panel on the fi rst page of the fi rst issue, where a team of soldier ...
DENNIS THE MENACE 147 DC: Th e New Frontier comes at the end of a long line of superhero narratives questioning the place of the ...
148 DENNIS THE MENACE Disney Studios where he served as an assistant animator on Pinocchio, Bambi, Fantasia, and many Donald Duc ...
DENNIS THE MENACE 149 page. During this period Ketcham wrote his autobiography, Th e Merchant of Dennis. Dennis the Menace also ...
150 DETECTIVE COMICS Selected Bibliography: Ketcham, Hank. Hank Ketcham’s Complete Dennis the Menace, 1951–1952. Vol. 1. Seattle ...
DITKO, STEVE 151 Over the years, the series was home to several ongoing backup features, such as Th e Elongated Man and Roy Raym ...
152 DIXON, CHUCK itself, or that “A = A.” Still living in New York City, Ditko has become a reclusive fi gure, refusing requests ...
DOC SAVAGE 153 DOC SAVAGE. Among the most legendary and infl uential pulp characters of all time is Doc Savage, the Man of Bronz ...
154 DOC SAVAGE In 1975, the character was fi lmed as Doc Savage: Th e Man of Bronze, produced by legendary sci- ence fi ction fi ...
DOCTOR STRANGE 155 DOCTOR STRANGE. Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1963, the Master of the Mystic Arts and Sorcerer Supre ...
156 DOCTOR STRANGE one of Strange’s long-standing rivals. When the Ancient One dies years later, to save the collective souls of ...
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