The Surpisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

(coco) #1


“To get through the hardest journey we need take only one

step at a time, but we must keep on stepping.”

—Chinese    Proverb

“One step at a time” may be trite, but it’s still true. No matter the
objective, no matter the destination, the journey to anything you want
always starts with a single step.
That step is called the ONE Thing.
I want you to do something. I want you to close your eyes and
imagine your life as big as it can possibly be. As big as you have ever
dared to dream, and then some. Can you see it?
Now, open your eyes and listen to me. Whatever you can see,
you have the capacity to move toward. And when what you go for is
as vast as you can possibly envision, you’ll be living the biggest life
you can possibly live.
Living large is that simple.
Let me share a way you can do this. Write down your current
income. Then multiply it by a number: 2, 4, 10, 20—it doesn’t matter.
Just pick one, multiply your income by it, and write down the new
number. Looking at it and ignoring whether you’re frightened or
excited, ask yourself, “Will my current actions get me to this number
in the next five years?” If they will, then keep doubling the number
until they won’t. If you then make your actions match your answer,
you’ll be living large.
Now, I use personal earnings only as an example. This thinking
can apply to your spiritual life, your physical conditioning, your
personal relationships, your career achievement, your business
success, or anything else that matters to you. When you lift the limits
of your thinking, you expand the limits of your life. It’s only when
you can imagine a bigger life that you can ever hope to have one.

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