The Surpisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

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powerful wave of chain reactions and are built sequentially, which
means when you’re aiming for success you can’t just skip to the end.
Extraordinary doesn’t work like that. The knowledge and momentum
that build as you live the ONE Thing each day, each week, each
month, and each year are what give you the ability to build an
extraordinary life.

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out

how far one can go.”

— T. S. Eliot
But this doesn’t just happen. You have to make it happen.
One evening an elder Cherokee told his grandson about a battle
that goes on inside all people. He said, “My son, the battle is between
two wolves inside us. One is Fear. It carries anxiety, concern,
uncertainty, hesitancy, indecision and inaction. The other is Faith. It
brings calm, conviction, confidence, enthusiasm, decisiveness,
excitement and action.” The grandson thought about it for a moment
and then meekly asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?” The old
Cherokee replied, “The one you feed.”
Your journey toward extraordinary results will be built above all
else on faith. It’s only when you have faith in your purpose and
priorities that you’ll seek out your ONE Thing. And once certain you
know it, you’ll have the personal power necessary to push you
through any hesitancy to do it. Faith ultimately leads to action, and
when we take action we avoid the very thing that could undermine or
undo everything we’ve worked for—regret.


As satisfying as succeeding is, as fulfilling as journeying feels, there
is actually an even better reason to get up every day and take action
on your ONE Thing. On your way to living a life worth living, doing
your best to succeed at what matters most to you not only rewards you
with success and happiness but with something even more precious.

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