Player's handbook 5e pdf
SOLDIER War has been your !ife for as long as you care to remember. Vou trained as a youth, studied the use of weapons and armor ...
d6 Bond 1 I would stilllay down my life for the people I served with. 2 Someone saved my life on the battlefield. To this day, I ...
143 PART I EQUIPME. T Coin cp sp ep gp pp Copper (cp) 1 1/10 l/50 1/100 1/1,000 Silver (sp) (^101) 1/5 1/10 1/100 Eleclrum (ep) ...
SELLING TREASURE Armor and Shields Opportunities abound to find treasure, equipment, weapons, armar, and more in the dungeons yo ...
overlapping pieces of metal, much like the scales of a fish, The suit includes gauntlets, Breastp/ate. This armor consists of a ...
PART IIEQUIPMENT GETTING INTo AND OUT OF ARMOR The lime il lakes lo don or doff armor depends on lhe armor's calegory. Don.This ...
If you use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a melee attack, you treat the weapon as an improvised weapon (see " ...
'4.8 An object that bears no resemblance to a weapon deals ld4 damage (the DM assigns a damage type appropriate to the object).I ...
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Simp!e Melee Weapons Club 1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 21b. Light Dagger 2 gp 1d4 piercing 1 Ib. Fine ...
Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight Abacus 2 gp 21b. Ho/y symbo/ Acid (vial) 25 gp 1 Ib. Amulet 5 gp 1 Ib. Alchemist's fire (flask ...
the alchemist's tire as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes Id4 tire damage at the start of each of its turns. A cr ...
A cleric ar paladin may create holy water by performing a special ritual. The ritual takes 1 hour to perform, uses 25 gp worth o ...
CONTAINER CAPACITY )'CYou can al50 strap items, such as a bedroll ar a coil af rape, to lhe oulside of a backpack. SpYI1/ass.Obj ...
Tools A to01helps you to do something you couldn't otherwise do, such as craft or repair an item, forge a document, or pick a lo ...
Mounts and Vehicles Agood mount can help you move more quickly through the wilderness, but its primary purpose is to carry the g ...
lhe vehicle. These vehicles can'l be rowed againsl any TRADE GOODS significanl currenl, bUllhey can be pulled upslream by drafl ...
FOOD, DRINK, AND LODGING The Food, Drink, and Lodging table gives prices for individual food items and a single night's lodging. ...
Skilled hirelings include anyone hired lo perform a service that involves a proficiency (including weapon, tool, or skill): a me ...
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