Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
80 The outer edges of the stronghold are honeycombed with mining operations. The duergar wrest rock from the cavern walls and pr ...
. objects without touching them, view creatures from a great distance, and push their bodies to achieve incred- ible feats, ...
811LTHRl\N lREHEllRT SPECIAL ALLIES d8 Ally 1-4 ld4 dwarf acolytes 5 ld3 earth elementals 6 ld4 trained griffons 7 ld4 azers 8 1 ...
DWARVES IN THE WORLD The tables below are designed to add depth to a dwarf character by offering possible reasons why the charac ...
PURPOSE OF RAID d6 Purpose 1-3 Collecting slaves 4 Pursuing a specific enemy s Patrolling for expansion opportunities 6 On a ram ...
CHAPTER 4: GITH AND THEIR ENDLESS WAR HE STORY OF THE GIT H IS ROOTED IN A CRUEL twist of cosmic fate. Inspired by the great lea ...
86 T H E REVERED QUEEN To SLAY IN HER NAME IS OUR GREATEST SERVlCE. To DIE in her name is our last act of reverence. -Meldavh, g ...
ONLY THE BEST SURVIVE The githyanki raise their young in hidden creches that they construct in far-Rung places on the Material P ...
obey her willingly. But when they aren't otherwise occu- pied, many of the citizens of the city spend their time in self-indulge ...
culture, a lthough the githyanki have no priests or clerics of normal sort. Two aspects of their nature set knights apart from o ...
ties on the surface rarely offer strong defenses against attacks from the air. Red dragons ridden by knight s accompany the vess ...
Tu'NARATH THEY CALL IT THE CITY OF DEATH. l WOULD MOCK SUCH a tired excuse for a name, but if it.fits, who am I to argue? -Gimbl ...
92 raids. All githyanki are required to report to one of these districts regularly for weapon practice. Non-githyanki that ventu ...
GITHZERAI The githzerai were born as a race at the end of the git h's bloody, genocidal uprising against the mind flayers. A git ...
94 SHRA'KT'LOR Shra'kt'lor is a fortress city that houses the largest concentration of githzerai. It serves as both the capital ...
if they investigate, they soon identify the citadel as the cause. The githyanki, however, find it in their best inter- est to ke ...
As their means of vengeance against the mind flayers, the githzerai send bands of warriors called rrakkmas- illithid hunting par ...
THE SHA 1 SA L KHOU The Sha'sal Khou is an organization of githyanki and githzerai radicals working toward the reunification of ...
GITHZERAI BONDS d4 Bond Zerthimon provides an example of conduct that I strive to duplicate. 2 Menyar-Ag hand-picked me for my d ...
CHAPTER 5: HALFLINGS AND GNOMES REATURES OF MANY RACES AND CULTURES a re embroiled in struggles that flare up across the multive ...
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