1 square = 5 feet
Exterior Grounds. The ground is free of cover in a 60-
foot radius around the tower.
WaJI Chains. Barbed iron chains hang at 10-foot inter-
vals down the exterior walls. These chains are part
of the tower's defense, as the chain devil subcom-
mander can animate them using its Animate Chains
ability. Climbing a chain requires a successful DC 16
Strength (Athletics) check.
The following locations are keyed to map 3.7.
The door at ground level is a stone slab secured from
within by an iron crossbar that lifts away easily but re-
quires a DC 23 Strength (Athletics) check to break from
the outside.
This level of the tower is drab and unadorned save for
a plain, rectangular stone table set with a pair of stone
benches. Spare polearms and scale armor, suitable for
five Large and ten Medium devils, are stored in racks
along the walls.
Ten bearded devils and ten hell hounds occupy this
floor. There is a 30 percent chance that half of the
bearded devils and hell hounds are out patrolling the
perimeter at any given time, returning 1 minute after
combat starts unless the fighting remains very quiet.
An iron ladder rises through a hole in the northwest
corner wide enough to accommodate Large creatures.
The tower's amnizu commander and a chain devil
subcommander reside here. These commanders enjoy
having one or more sentient beings on hand to torture,
to help alleviate boredom.
The floor of this room is strewn with hooked chains,
and manacles are bolted to the walls. In the middle of
the room, a spiked iron chair is bolted to the floor. The
chair's armrests and legs are fitted with iron shackles.
One corner of the room has gaping holes in the floor and
ceiling, through which passes a large iron ladder leading
to the tower's ground floor and rooftop.
The devils like to chain prisoners to the walls and use
the spiked chair for interrogations. The chain devil can
use its Animate Chains ability to animate the chains.
Two spined devils roost on the roof and act as lookouts
and scouts. An opening in one corner grants access to
the tower's interior, with an iron ladder leading down to
areas Tl and T2.