Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



Granny Nightshade and hides from her in the cove, us-
ing the magic of the crystal cave (area C2) to try to stay
one step ahead of the night hag. The coven has no min-
ions but is working on correcting that problem.
Saltmarsh Story Hook. The presence of the bags
pollutes the water in the cove, killing the fish, which
then wash up on shore. Ferrin Kastilar (see location^29
in Saltmarsh) offers the characters four potions of water
breathing to find and end the source of this pr oblem.
Help from New Friends. If the three sea hags spot
the characters. they approach in the guise of three
merfolk named Ranna, Caulau, and Vira. who claim
that the rest of their tribe was killed by the minions of
Granny Nightshade. They try to convince the charac-
ters to attack the night hag's fortress. A character who
makes a successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested
by the hags' Charisma (Deception) checks discerns that
the "merfolk" aren't telling the truth about their tribe. If
called out on their lies, the hags reveal their true nature
and ask for the characters' help in overthrowing Granny
Nightshade. They agree to give the characters a share of
the night hag's treasure when they depose her.
If the characters attack, the hags fight back until one
of them falls, and then the other two Ree.
Dalixiateara. Recently the hags captured a female
young bronze dragon named Dalixiateara. The dragon
is chained to the side of the gorge (area C7) at a depth of
1,200 feet. muzzled, and restrained. The hags are trying
to break the dragon's mind to force it to serve them but
have had no luck so far.

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The locked chains have AC 19,^50 hit points, and im-
munity to poison and psychic damage. Auntie Canker
holds the key to the chains. A character who makes
a successful DC^17 Dexterity check using thieves'
tools can pick the lock, freeing Dalixiateara. If freed,
the dragon attacks the hags and rewards the charac-
ters who freed her with a cloak of the manta ray from
her hoard.
Polluted Water. At the end of every hour spent im-
mersed in the cove's water. a creature that isn't a hag
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become
poisoned for I hour. The DC for this saving throw
equals 10 +the number of continuous hours spent in the
cove's water. If the hags die or leave the cove. this effect
ends 1d10 days later.

Elkahraal is a marid in search of skilled and accom-
plished slaves to help him rob Favnahva, a rival genie
who has a larger treasure hoard than Elkahraal does.
The marid knows the history of the cove and believes
that his schemes can attract adventurers to the area for
him to kidnap.
Saltmarsh Story Hook. Fishers in the area report
seeing tendrils made of water rise out of the sea and
crash onto their boats. So far only minor damage has
been caused, but rumors about these incidents have
spread wildly and the local fishing crews are spooked.
Keledek the Unspoken (see location 6 in chapter 1)
promises the characters a cap of water breathing if
they can discover what the shapes are and report
back to him.
Elkahraal's Test. When the characters first arrive
at the cove, Elkahraal, a marid, casts invisibility and
tongues. Elkahraal has a water elemental servant that
forms the shape of an aboleth above the surface of the
water. and the genie speaks to the characters as if he is
the ghost of Ogrorlo, saying, "Find my remains and my
pearls in one hour or I will destroy Saltmarsh!"
If the characters don't find Ogrorlo's remains (see area
C4) and his pearls (see area C7), Elkahraal sends the
water elemental to terrorize Saltmarsh. The elemental
attacks until it is destroyed, while Elkahraal hopes to
draw smarter, stronger heroes out to the cove.
If the characters find Ogrorlo's remains and the
pearls. Elkahraal and his warer elemental attack. His
plan is to knock as many adventurers as possible uncon-
scious and then use plane shift to bring them back to the
Plane of Water. Elkahraal fights until reduced to^80 hit
points and then flees, while the elemental fights until it
is destroyed.


The Marshal was a seafaring vessel built by missionar-
ies of SL Cuthbert. Their plan was to travel the world in
the ship, bringing law, order, and the word of their god
to every port. Three year s ago the mission launched, but
the Marshal never made it to the first stop. Harpies sere-
naded the travelers. luring the vessel shoreward until it
crashed into the rocks near Saltmarsh.
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