Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

The Society of Tentacles is a group of cultists that wor-
ship krakens. Elagoth Rinecot, the cult's leader and a
descendant of the people of Warthalkeel. wants to call
forth Vaalastroth and apologize for her ancestors· be-
trayal. The priest also plans to offer the characters to the
kraken as tribute.
Saltmarsh Story Hook. Calduran Bravewater a
deep scion (see appendix C), approaches the ch~racters
posing as a rich noble and asks for their help in diving
into the ruins ofWarthalkeel to find lost treasure. He
offers to give the characters whatever it takes to per-
suade them to go to the ruins (since he has no intencion
of paying).
Society of Tentacles. Two kraken priests (see appen-
dix C) and a deep scion (see appendix C) desecrate area
W6f of the House of Procan while another four kraken
priests, including Elagoth Rinecot, hold hands in a cir-
cle and chant to perform the ritual in area W7h of the
Temple of Vaalastroth. The cultists attack the characters
with the intention of subduing them.
Yalaga Maladwyn (in area W7c) knows of the cult-
ists and allows them to perform the ritual, though she
suspects that wakfag the kraken could anger it. so she
avoids participating.
Calduran tries to steer the characters toward area
W6fbut turns on the characters when they find either
group of cultists.
The Kraken Cometh. If the cultists defeat the charac-
ters. the kraken priests use their water breathing spells
to keep the characters alive and then bind them with
manacles (see chapter 5 in the Player's Handbook) near
Vaalastroth Trench (area W2). The cultists complete
their ritual 12 hours after they capture the characters. A
loud hum rings through the area, and then Vaalastroth
the kraken rises from the trench.
Elagoth offers the characters as tribute, claiming that
these powerful adventurers are the greatest threats to
Vaalastroth's takeover of the seulement. Vaalastroth
then attacks the cultists, calling them insolent for dis-
turbing its slumber and offering such a paltry gift. If
the characters have not escaped by the time the kraken
kills the cultists, it demands all the characters' magic
items in exchange for their lives. When it is satisfied. the
kraken returns to its lair.

The ancient storm giant Brinecane Ulganoth is terrified
of death. To cheat the inevitable. Brinecane drew on the
magic of Warthalkeel's ruins. transforming himself into
a mighty storm.
Saltmarsh Story Hook. For days, a powerful storm
unlike any seen before rages over Saltmarsh. Ferrin
Kastilar (see location^29 in Saltmarsh) tells the charac-
ters that he believes the cause of the storm is unnatural
since its borders never move and the ruins ofWarthal-'
keel are at its center. The storm threatens everyone in
Saltmarsh. so Ferrin has convinced the nobles to pledge
3,000 gp to the characters if they can find and stop the
cause of the danger.
Calming a Storm. Brinecane Ulganoth has trans-
formed himself into a storm giant quintessent (see ap-

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pend ix C), and the ruins of Warthalkeel are his lair. The
giant spends his days in area W7h making music with
his harp- the calm in the eye of the storm.
Yalaga Maladwyn (in area W7c) knows she can't kill
the giant, so she allows him to do whatever he wants.
She would agree to ally with the characters in a plan to
evict Brinecane.
When the characters find Brinecane, the giant tells
them of his plight. He is scared to die, but he knows that
without the magic ofWarthalkeel he would succumb
1oold age.
If the characters offer to help Brinecane. he tells them
he would agree to move to a new location touched with
magic that would allow him to continue to extend his
life. One such location that would put the storm far from
Saltmarsh is Granny Nightshade's fortress, Castle Spi-
ral, in the Dreadwood. Of course, Brinecane requires
that Cranny Nightshade and her minions be removed
before he takes possession of the castle.
A character can comfort Brinecane and convince the
storm giant to accept the inevitable. end the storm. and
move out of the area with a successful DC^22 Charisma
(Persuasion) check. If this check fail!>, Brinecane is in-
sulted and attacks the characters.
If combat breaks out, the giant fights until reduced to
30 hit points and then Rees.
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