Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Sweet perfume hangs in the air of this place of worship.
At the far end, a lizardfolk crouches before a stone altar.
To each side of the altar are small lit burners while, at its
center, a candelabrum holds four lit candles.
Above the alta r, the south wall is decorated with a ma-
rine fresco of a l izardfolk warrior brandishing a club.
Blue and green drapes cover the east and west walls.

The mural depicts Semuanya, the lizardfolk deity.
The club in the mural has sharp-looking seashells em-
bedded in it.
A single lizardfolk shaman worships at the altar in
this room. Two amphisbaeoae (sec appendix C) serve
as guardians here, and live within the hollow altar.

Development. Only the shamans, the queen, and th e
subchief k now about the amphisbaenae. The serpentine
monsters attack anything within 10 feet of the altar, w ith
the exception of the aforementioned individuals.
When the characters enter, the shaman is meditating.
He is roused by the sound of combat or any direct at-
tempts to contact him. Unless cornered. he flees to area
20 and returns with the occupants of that room. If they
are gone or slain, he flees, never to be seen again. If he
cannot escape, he fights alongside the amphisbaenae.
Treasure. Two tridents and two folded nets are offer-
ings and war trophies taken from the sahuagin, given to
Semuanya. T he candelabrum is worth^25 gp. The silver
incense burners on the altar are worth lO gp each.


Seven carved wooden masks representing crocodile
and serpent faces hang from the walls of this room.
The masks are decorated with blue and green feathers.
Against the west wall stands an iron chest, its lid closed.

Hidden inside one of the masks is the key to the chest
in area 18. lt is found by any character inspecting the
masks who makes a successful DC^12 Intelligence (In-
vestigation) check.
Ches t. The chest is unlocked but trapped with a poi-
son gas trap. Noticing the trap requires a successful DC
I 2 Intelligence (Investigation) check. A successful DC
12 Dexterity check is required to disarm the trap. Open-
ing the chest without disarming the trap, or failing to
disarm it. triggers the trap.
When triggered, the trap fills the entire room with
noxious green gas. Creatures caught in the gas must
succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or cough
and choke loudly for ld4 minutes; those affected by the
gas are far more likely to attract the attention of wander-
ing patrols and nearby inhabitants of the lair.
Treasure. The chest contains the following items:
a silver gong and striker (25 gp). five silver bells (5
gp each), a large silver chalice (50 gp), and a curved
wooden horn.

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These rooms. though not identical, are very similar. The
following description serves for any one of them.

Thts bare, cell-like room contains a plain wooden table
and chair, a straw mattress, and a small wooden chest.

The furniture varies sl ightly from room to room. All the
chests are unlocked. Each contains personal effects and
a small ivory statuette of Semuanya. These are of no
value but are regarded as very valuable by the shamans.
Treasure. The chests in these rooms contain a variety
of items. One chest has a wooden club and a leather
purse containing 10 ep. Another holds a silver belt
buckle (5 gp), a leather purse containing^20 sp, and a
long, brilliantly colored bird feather (no value) A third
chest has a leather purse containing^7 ep, and the final
one holds a bolt of blue-green cloth (no value) and a
pouch containing 25 sp.


A wooden table with two chairs is set against the south
wall. On the table are a carafe, a cup, and a wicker bas-
ket. A smaller table stands against the north wall; on it
sits an unlit incense burner.

The key to the chest here lies inside a mask in area 13.

Examining the i ncense burner reveals a small key that
unlocks the chest in area l 9.
Treasure. The carafe. cup, and incense burner are sil-
ver, worth 10 gp, 3 gp, and 5 gp respectively. The chest
contains 20 gp and a potion of water breathing.


A single cot rests by the south wall, an iron chest set at
its foot. A large wooden carving of a lizardfolk brandish· j
ing a club hangs on the east wall.

The key to the chest in this room is hidden in area 18.
The wooden carving on the wall is of no value.
Chest. The chest is locked and can be opened by the
key found in area 18 or by a character who succeeds
on a DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves' tools. The
chest is trapped with a poison needle. Noticing the trap
requires a successful DC^12 Intelligence (Investigation)
check. A successful DC 12 Dexterity check is required
to disarm the trap. Openi ng the chest without disarming
the trap, or failing to disarm it, triggers the trap.
When triggered, the trap fires a small poisoned dart
from the lock. Any creature standing in front of the lock
is automatically struck by the needle. taking I piercing
damage and^4 (ld4 + 2) poison damage.
Treasure. The chest contains the personal wealth of
the senior shaman: a silver figure of Semuanya (25 gp).
a leather bag containing^50 ep, and a pearl of power.
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