all life, including the tiniest cells within the body. All life has memory and
emotions, right down to the smallest created substances and elements. This
has been proven over and over again with plants and animals, as well as with
Men and women must awaken out of this “sleep state,” and ascend in
their awareness toward God. This will broaden their perspectives and their
understanding of how simple and how beautiful health and life really is. It is
time to fill yourself (your consciousness) with love, energy, health and
vitality, and to rise above the lower levels of disease.
“Detoxification and Regeneration” is the only answer to our current
dilemma. The consciousness of treatment has taken us down a devastating
road. Cleaning your body out of all these toxins and strengthening your cells
is logical, and proven to overcome the many conditions mentioned above.
It’s your body. Think about it. Trust in yourself and God (nature). Learn
all you can about true health and vitality through nature and the tools (food
and herbs) that nature supplies for your health and vitality.
Wake up! It’s almost too late now.
There have been many books written on the toxic practice of vaccinations.
Check the Bibliography at the back of this book. Read, learn, and educate
yourself. No one else will. If possible, check out these websites:
National Vaccine Information Center—
I am much more interested in a question on which the “salvation of
humanity” depends far more than on any theologians’ cuño: the
question of nutrition.
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo