when the hydrogen atoms in the blood lower (by adding hydrogen atoms) the
pH to 6.95. The opposite can also be true. Convulsions and spasms can occur
when the pH becomes too alkaline (less hydrogen atoms), which is rare. It is
important to note that most convulsions and spasms are caused by mineral
utilization problems.
All the food that humans eat can be divided into the above two
categories: they are either acid-forming or alkaline-forming. This depends
upon the ash left after their digestion, and upon the food’s dominating
inorganic minerals, which affect the pH of our body’s fluids. Acid foods
leave more phosphorus, iron and sulfur compounds, which push out alkaline
minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. Acids crystallize,
thus irritating and inflaming tissues. These crystals are deposited throughout
the body causing inflammation, irritation and stimulation or agitation. Uric
acid, for example, is a by-product of meat metabolism and/or fungal growth
in the body. Uric acid buildup causes gout and other inflammatory conditions
throughout the body.
There are many other acids formed during food digestion. These include
sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, butyric acid, lactic acid, acetic acid and
pyroracemic acid, to name a few. These acids, if not converted to salts by
electrolytes, will cause damage to tissue. The more acidic your body
becomes, the more damage you create within it.
Men and women today eat mainly acid-forming foods, e.g., meats,
grains, pasteurized dairy products, eggs and cooked tomatoes. As acidity is
hot, these acids and compounds cause inflammation in tissues. Inflammation
causes cellular weakness and an inability of the cell to transport nutrients
across its membrane wall via cellular respiration, eventually leading to cellular
As previously stated, the only acid chamber in homo sapiens is the
stomach, where protein digestion begins. Note: Immediately after the stomach
contents move into the small intestines, bile and sodium bicarbonate are
secreted to alkalize this mixture now called chyme. The rest of digestion is
The accumulation of acids and toxic foreign proteins in tissues causes an
immune response called inflammation. This inflammation is then diagnosed
as an “itis” of some sort, e.g., gastritis, colitis, cystitis, nephritis, bursitis, and
arthritis. These are not diseases, but inflammatory responses to acidosis. This
is why the treatment of these conditions with more acid-forming drugs or