The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

steroids is ludicrous and will eventually lead to further degeneration of your
tissues. It makes much better sense to alkalize and detoxify, that is, remove
the acids and foreign proteins that are causing the problem in the first place.
CNN recently reported that researchers at various universities have proven
that the genetic pattern of cells (DNA and chromosomes) can and is being
altered by acidosis, which weakens a cell, causing many changes in its DNA
and chromosome structure.


Cells respond to states of consciousness just as we do. In other words, if
someone walks up to you angry, you can get angry; if you hang around sick
people, you can get sick. Everything is energy and everything gives off

There are unlimited levels to energy. From a spiritual perspective, anger
is a lower level of energy whereas love is a high level of energy. In spiritual
circles we call energy “consciousness” or “awareness.” God, or “total
awareness,” has been compared to a large mirror, while creation is thought of
as that mirror divided up into unlimited pieces, or various states of awareness
or consciousness. As I understand it, all life forms are merely pieces of this
mirror expressing themselves in various individual states of consciousness or
awareness. With birth into creation, we start out basically unconscious or
unaware, and become gradually more conscious in response to life around us.
As a computer that is being set up with more software, or programmed with
more data, is therefore able to perform more functions, so each individual
piece of the “mirror of creation” will expand its ability to express itself the
more it awakens to its true nature. Since we humans are pieces of this mirror,
we act in the same way—that is, the more we experience, the more we
awaken or grow in consciousness.

While it is very difficult to express these things in words, if you look
within yourself and at nature you can appreciate that all things are reflections
of the same essence; that is, all are a reflection in some way of God and all of
God’s creation. Your cells are no different. They possess consciousness.
They are subject to the laws of cause and effect, just like you are. What you
put in, you get out. Your cells’ DNA and chromosomes carry memory
patterns far beyond those of simple genetics. They also include the traces of
the day-to-day “experiences” that the cell goes through, much as your

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