The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

to clean and regenerate the pancreas and adrenal glands, not to treat diabetes.

Don’t forget that complex sugars like sucrose, maltose and dextrose can
overload your system with glucose. Trying to drive this excessive glucose
into your cells with insulin is not the answer. Avoiding these complex-sugar
foods is the answer.

You will also note that proteins, especially meat, will also raise your
blood sugars. Meat is not a balanced food, as it consists of mostly protein.
Therefore your body will break down fat and convert this to glucose for
balance. The responding glucose will then raise your blood glucose levels.

There are so many contributing factors to diabetes. Keep it simple. Eat
the food that was designed for your body—fruits, vegetables and nuts.

“There are no incurable diseases, only incurable people.” This means that
some people will not be cured because they don’t want to be. Many use their
disease for attention from family members or others. Many individuals
become lost to themselves and seek love and attention from others as a
support mechanism. Become strong in yourself; spend time alone with

Learn as much as you can about foods and their true effects upon tissue.
Never fear God and nature. The devastating effects of diabetes are great, but
its cure is simple. If it takes you six months to a year to cure yourself, that’s
better than a lifetime of misery. Be free of your diseases. Get healthy.


Weight Loss and Control: Addressing the Cause

There are many reasons why people are overweight. Obesity has become a
big problem in the world, especially in the United States. Secretary of Health
and Human Services, Tommy Thompson, quoted in the New York Times,
January 2003, said that 50 million adults, or 25 percent of the adult
population of the U.S., are obese. If figures for obesity in children were
added this would greatly increase the numbers.

In obesity one must always address the causes, not the effects. Because
the social consciousness sees fat as excessive, unhealthy, a sign of the loss of
control, or as a bad thing, we seek at all costs to rid it from our bodies. Some

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