The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1


Eating for Vitality


p to this point we have looked at how the body works, the processes of
disease, detoxification and regeneration. We have examined our species and
the types of foods that best suit us. We have also looked at foods and their
effects on tissue.

In this chapter we will discover what to eat and how to eat it. It is
important not only to know what to eat, but how to mix these foods properly
to get the optimum benefit from them—the art of food combining.

Here, too, we will offer a series of menus that you can begin to use
immediately to start yourself in the direction of detoxification and
regeneration. These menus will address your needs, whether you consider
yourself a timid beginner or a bold adventurer.

Further topics covered will include the amazing health value of raw fruit
and vegetable juices, and the subject of beans, soybeans and grains as they
relate to detoxification and regeneration.

In the concluding pages of this chapter you will find a number of
excellent recipes for both raw and steamed foods that will strengthen you on
your journey and make your meals more varied and delightful.


What Foods to Eat

The following is a list of acceptable raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
Always buy organic if possible.

Most Fruits and Berries


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