The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

do not know themselves very well and many do not even like themselves.
One day in meditation a voice said to me, “You are my creation.” I realized
that all life is God’s expression. We are all divine, no matter what we look
like, how smart we are, or how “good” or “bad” we are. We are only using
our physical bodies. Who we are as soul is much greater than the bodies we

Love yourself, but not egotistically. Be like the sun, which shines its light
and warmth on all life, without judgement or separation. Love everything, as
all things are made of God. You are divine and owe it to yourself and all life
to get yourself healthy and happy. Be good to yourself and all life.



Stress constricts the circulation, the bowels, the organs and the glandular
functions. This constriction leads to discomfort and tissue weakness,
including constipation, lower back pain, adrenal gland and kidney weakness,
anxieties, heart problems and poor food digestion, just to name a few possible

Meditation is one of your greatest tools for relaxation. It allows you to
relax every muscle and cell in your body. As the body relaxes, this also
relaxes the mind and emotions, which are the main cause of stress in the first
place. Meditation is simple, fun, and with practice can be done anywhere, at
any time.

It is best to start a meditation practice by finding a quiet place where no
one will bother you. Give yourself thirty minutes or so. It is also best if you
can set up a routine, starting at the same time each day if possible. You will
want to sit or lie down in a position that is comfortable for you, and where
you will not be disturbed.

Close your eyes and take about ten deep breaths. This would be a great
time to practice abdominal breathing. Begin to relax all over, allowing your
mind a break from thinking. You are now going to just relax and observe.
You may start with your toes and begin to relax each part of your body as

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