The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
of antiviral properties (proteins).
Kinins — attract WBCs.
Complement — a group of proteins (complement proteins) known to
attract WBCs.

To understand autoimmune conditions, let’s examine your internal
immune system further.

As you have learned, your internal immune system is designed to
eliminate weak and para-sitically involved cells. Cells have “markers”
(antigens) on their surfaces which identify them for what they are. These
markers identify them as either a “self” or “non-self type of cell.


Antigens are substances that create an immune response. Antigens are
proteins or oligosaccharides (compounds made up of a saccharide). There are
two types of antigens: self-antigens and foreign antigens.

SELF-ANTIGENS — Substances (proteins, etc.) created by your cells to
stimulate an immune response. These types of antigens generally are part of a
cell membrane wall and act as “markers” or signals for immune cell response.
These types of antigens have also been called auto-antigens.

FOREIGN ANTIGENS — Substances or parasites that are introduced into
the body from the outside world. These include:

Particles (fragments) of microorganisms
Chemicals of all types
Proteins that are foreign or unusable by the body
Splinters, wood, glass, etc.

Every single thing in creation is unique. However, there are numerous
similarities. Our planet is home to many different races of humans and
species of plants and animals, each type identified by various shapes,
colorings and markings. The same is true of your cells and their membrane
walls (their outer skin), and each cell is unique unto itself.

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