Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
d6 Ideal






Guild. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)
Creativity. Half the world's troubles come from
stodgy thinking, stuck in the past. We need innovative
solutions. (Chaotic)
Discovery. Every experiment has the potential to
reveal more secrets of the multiverse. (Any)
Science. A rigorous appl ication of logical principles
and protocols will lead us toward progress more
surely than any belief system. (Lawful)
Fun. I love my job! Despite the dangerous working
conditions, there's nothing I'd rather do. (Chaotic)
Power. Someday I'll find or create the magic that wil l
make me the most powerful being in Ravnica. (Evil)

d6 Bond







I have dedicated my life to finding a solution to a
scientific problem.
I'll never forget the laborat ory where I learned my
skills, or the other attendants who learned alongside
I'm convinced it was sabotage that destroyed my first
laboratory and killed many of my friends, and I seek
revenge against whoever did it.
I have the schematics for an invention that I hope to
build one day, once I have the necessary resources.
A fe llow student and I are racing to solve the same
scient ifi c puzzle.
I would do anything the guildmaster told me to do.

d6 Flaw
If there's a plan, I'll probably forget it. If I don't forget
it, I'll probably ignore it.
2 I get bored easily, and if nothing is happening I'll
make something happen.
3 N othing is ever simple, and ifit seems simple, I'll find
a way to make it complicated.
4 I tend t o ignore sleep for days when I'm conducting
research, often at the expense of my own health and
5 I'm convinced there's not a soul in Ravnica, except
maybe the great Niv-Mizzet, who can match my
boundless intellect.
6 I'm incapable of admitting a flaw in my logic.

The laboratories of the lzzet League are constantly
starting up new projects and dissolving old ones, so it's
easy for even the lowliest attendant to make fr iends (and
enemies) in laboratories across Ravnica.
Roll t wice on the Izzet Contacts table (for an ally and a
rival) and once on the Non-lzzet Contacts table.


d8 Contact

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

An older relative is a member of the guild's board of
d irect ors.
I know a sprite who carries important messages
among the guil d's laboratories.
A sibling is the head of a laborat ory doing exotic
A former colleague is now an attendant in a labora-
t ory in the central guildhall.
I'm in regular communication with an instructor who
set me on the course of my l ife and research.
I had a romance with a chemister working in the
As an attendant, I had a fierce rivalry with another
at tendant for our supervisor's attention.
The guildmaster, N iv-Mizzet, took note of one of my

dlO Contact
l An Azorius inspect or seems interested in my work.
2 I was ready to join the Boros before I decided on
lzzet, and I sometimes still hear from the sergeant
who tried to recruit me.

3 4 s 6 7 8 9

One of my former assistants turned out to be a Dimir
spy. We're not on friendly terms anymore, but we
have a habit of running into each other.
A Golgari assassin ki lled a bitter rival of mine, leaving
me with conflicted feelings.
I helped a minor Gruul chieft ain acquire an lzzet
Roll an additional lz zet contact; you can decide if the
contact is an ally or a rival.
An O rzhov banker financed my laboratory's current
work and expects great r eturns.
I have a cousin in the Cult of Rakdos. and we get
along quite well.
A fo rmer attendant from the same laboratory ran off
to join the Selesnya, and we get into a big argument
every time we run into each other.
10 I compare notes and techniques with a Simic scientist
over lunch sometimes.

How D o I FIT IN?
Whatever your role in the l zzet League, you are ex-
pected to contribute to its research in some way.
That contribution might involve participating in tests,
whether as an assistant, a researcher, or a subject. You
might be one of the soldiers who protects a laboratory,
or a laborer responsible for lifting heavy pieces of equip-
ment into place. Everyone's contribution matters, even if
the Izzet know that some matter more than others.
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