Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening
Astragalus Alpinus.--A hardy perennial bearing bluish-purple flowers. It will grow in any decent soil, and can be propagated fro ...
October is a good time for making new borders. The half-hardy kinds require the protection of a house in winter. Height, 6 in. A ...
Balsams.--The seeds of these tender annuals require to be sown in early spring in a hot-house or a warm frame having a temperatu ...
done flowering pinch off the tops, to ensure a better crop; and if the black fly has attacked them, take off the tops low enough ...
cover with a sheet of glass, and keep shaded. Transplant into small pots, and pot on from time to time as the plants increase in ...
Bladder Nut.--See "Staphylea." Blanket Flower.--See "Gaillardia." Bleeding Heart.--See "Dielytra." Bocconia Cordata.--Ornamental ...
Height, 15 ft. Bousingaultia Basselloides.--A rapidly growing climber, beautiful both in flower and foliage, the former of which ...
be planted in November, and left undisturbed. Broom.--Hardy shrubs thriving in almost any soil. Cuttings will strike if planted ...
Buddlea.--Half-hardy, tall, deciduous greenhouse shrubs, delighting in a loamy soil mixed with peat. They may be grown out of do ...
Chou de Burghley is of great value for spring sowing, and will be found very useful during autumn and early in winter. This vege ...
Calandrinia.--Very pretty hardy annuals. They grow well in sunny places in a mixture of loam and peat, and may be raised from se ...
The seed is sown in the open in March. Height, 1 ft. Calochortus Luteus.--This very handsome hardy perennial thrives best in san ...
always be kept moist and cool, and the plants disturbed as little as possible. A top dressing of fresh soil may be given each wi ...
to handle put two or three plants in a 5-in. pot, and replace them in warmth. Keep them rather close till established, then shif ...
the top untouched. Make incisions on the under sides of the layers, just below the third joint. Peg down, and cover the stems wi ...
Cathcartia Villosa.--A beautiful Himalayan poppy, possessing a rich, soft, hairy foliage and yellow flowers, borne in succession ...
advance in strength in a compost of loam, leaf-mould, old manure, and sand. Their final shift should be into 24-sized pots. Give ...
Chamaepeuce.--Half-hardy perennial Thistle plants of little merit. Any soil suits them, and they may be increased by seed or div ...
in a temperature of 55 degrees, and keep in the dark. Long blanched leaves will soon appear, ready for use. Chilli.--Same treatm ...
especially in the winter and spring. The plants have rather a rambling habit, and are usually trained over balloon or pyramidal ...
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