Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening
deeply. The crust of the soil should be level with the collar of the plant. If the pots are put into a frame the plants will req ...
de Louvain for cooking; and Kirke, Coe's Golden Drop, and Jefferson for dessert. For pyramids and bushes, Victoria, Early Prolif ...
Polygala Dalmaisiana.--This showy evergreen shrub needs a greenhouse treatment. Soil--three parts peat, one part turfy loam, and ...
They keep well this way. Potentilla.--Handsome herbaceous plants with Strawberry-like foliage. They will grow in any common soil ...
Prince's Feather.--An ornamental hardy annual, producing tall spikes of dark crimson flowers and purple-tinted foliage. It is no ...
cultivation, see "Gourds." Punica Granata Nana.--A greenhouse deciduous shrub which flowers in August. The soil in which it is p ...
Radish.--For an early supply sow on a gentle hotbed under a frame in January, February, and March. For succession sow thinly on ...
leaves have fallen all the suckers are drawn out and the canes pruned (about four being left to each root). The canes are then t ...
Rhodochiton--This evergreen climber makes a fine plant for trellis-work. It is more suitable for the greenhouse, though it may b ...
Ribes (Flowering Currants).--Well-known shrubs, growing in any soil, and flowering early in spring. The colours vary from crimso ...
Rose Campion.--A pretty hardy perennial which may be grown from seed sown in autumn, choosing a sheltered site, or in March in a ...
may be cured by sprinkling the leaves with sulphur while dew is on them. Rose of Heaven.--See "Viscaria Coeli Rosa." Rose of Sha ...
Salpiglossis.--Very beautiful half-hardy annuals which are greatly prized for cut bloom. A light but not over-rich soil suits th ...
stirred in water form a lather strong enough to remove grease spots. They bloom in June and July. Height, 6 in. to 2 ft. Sarrace ...
Height, 1 ft. Schizostylis Coccinea (Crimson Flag, or Kaffre Lily).--A most lovely autumn-blooming plant, producing abundant spi ...
depth at which the seed is sown. Seeds require light, heat, air, and moisture for their germination. The ground should be light, ...
crimson during the autumn and winter months. In April and May it produces pearly-white flowers, somewhat Campanulate in form. It ...
Sisyrinchium Grandifolium(Satin Flower, or Rush Lily).--A light loam suits this plant, which is moderately hardy. The soil shoul ...
Soil and its Treatment.--Loam is a mixture of clay and sand. When the former predominates it is termed heavy loam, and when the ...
Soldanellas.--These small herbaceous perennials should find a place in all Alpine collections. They grow best in sandy peat, or ...
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