MEDICINAL PLANTS in Folk Tradition

(Darren Dugan) #1
Appendix Veterinary Remedies 355

Primula veris,cowslip. Coughs in cattle (Cumbria, in combination with
Symphytum^173 ).
Primula vulgaris,primrose (Plate 9). Bites by rabid dogs (Cornwall, in a
mixture^174 ).
Prunus padus,bird cherry. ‘Certain diseases in cattle’ (parts of the High-
lands^175 ).
Prunus spinosa,blackthorn (figure on page 152). Diarrhoea in ‘animals’
(Wicklow^176 ).
*Puccinellia maritima(Hudson) Parlatore, common saltmarsh-grass
(Poaceae). Coasts of western Europe, north-eastern Asia, North America.
Mild purge for cattle (Donegal^177 ).
Quercus petraea,Q. robur,oak. Harness sores on horses (Donegal,^178
Cavan^179 ); cuts on horses (Colonsay in the Inner Hebrides^180 ); diarrhoea
in cattle (Norfolk,^181 Cavan^182 ).
Ranunculusspp., buttercup, including records for ‘crowfoot’. Black-leg
(Cavan^183 ); red-water fever (†Limerick,^184 †Wicklow^185 ).
Ranunculus flammula,lesser spearwort. To raise blisters on ponies
(Somerset^186 ).
Rhamnus cathartica,buckthorn. ‘Dry murrain’ in cattle (Mayo^187 ).
Rubus fruticosus,bramble (Plate 10). Diarrhoea in cattle (four Irish coun-
ties) and goats (Norfolk^188 ); ‘hide-bound’ cattle (Berwickshire^189 );
thrush in horses (Norfolk^190 ); purge for rabbits and guinea pigs (Cam-
bridgeshire^191 ); ‘pod belly’ in rabbits (Norfolk^192 ); pip (Meath^193 ).
Rumexspp., dock. Coughs in horses and cattle (Monaghan,^194 Louth,^195
Longford^196 ); farcy (Louth,^197 Kilkenny^198 ); to wrap greasy fetlocks in
horses (Norfolk^199 ); sheep scab (Isle of Man^200 ); nettle stings in dogs
(Hampshire^201 ).
Salix alba,white willow. Pip (Ireland, unlocalised^202 ).
Sambucus ebulus,dwarf elder. Ulcerated udders and teats of cows
(Louth^203 ); to improve horses’ coats (Isle of Wight^204 ).
Sambucus nigra,elder (figure on page 271). Sore teats in cows (Dorset^205 );
cuts on cows’ udders (Carmarthenshire, in a mixture^206 ); foot-rot in
sheep (Norfolk^207 ); ‘to dose pigs’ (Longford^208 ); coughs in wild birds
(Devon^209 ); laminitis in ponies (Norfolk, combined with Anthriscus
sylvestris^210 ).
Samolus valerandi,brookweed. ‘Any malady affecting swine’ (England,
unlocalised^211 ).

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