MEDICINAL PLANTS in Folk Tradition

(Darren Dugan) #1
356 Veterinary Remedies

Sanicula europaea,sanicle (frontispiece). Gapes in young pheasants
(Donegal^212 ).
Scrophularia nodosa,common figwort (Plate 24). Scab in pigs (England,
unlocalised^213 ); farcy (Ireland, unlocalised^214 ); expulsion of afterbirth in
cows (Londonderry^215 ); red-water fever (Wicklow, combined with Stel-
laria media^216 ).
Scutellaria galericulata,skullcap. Distemper in dogs (Norfolk, in a
mixture^217 ).
Sedum acre,biting stonecrop (figure on page 138). Worms in ‘animals’
(Cavan,^218 Longford^219 ).
Sedum anglicum,English stonecrop. Swellings on horses (Colonsay in the
Inner Hebrides, combined with Senecio vulgaris^220 ).
Sedum rosea(Linnaeus) Scopoli, roseroot. Arctic and mountains of north-
ern temperate zone. Purge for calves (Skye, combined withLigusticum^221 ).
Sempervivum tectorum,house-leek (figure on page 136). Diarrhoea in
cattle (Wicklow^222 ); expulsion of afterbirth in cows (Mayo^223 ); cuts or
sores in ‘any animal’ (Montgomeryshire^224 ); ‘windgall’, distension of ten-
don sheaths round fetlock in horses (Cumbria^225 ).
Senecio aquaticus,S. jacobaea,ragwort. ‘Staggers’, neuromuscular affliction
of horses characterised by stumbling (England, unlocalised^226 ); wounded
or broken horse’s leg (Cork^227 ); cuts on ‘animals’ (Tipperary^228 ); gripes in
horses (Norfolk^229 ); windgall (see preceding entry) (Cavan^230 ); ‘blasts’,
inflammation caused by wind (Wicklow, in a mixture^231 ); red-water fever
(Wicklow^232 ); gapes (Limerick^233 ).
Senecio vulgaris,groundsel (figure on page 308). Purge for cows (Isle of
Man^234 ); cuts on cows’ udders (Carmarthenshire, in a mixture^235 ); red-
water fever (†Wicklow, in a mixture^236 ); black-leg (Wicklow^237 ); botts
(England, unlocalised^238 ); tonsillitis in horses (Norfolk^239 ); ‘festilow’, sore
eruption between ears and shoulders in horses (Devon^240 ); swellings on
horses (Colonsay in the Inner Hebrides, combined with Sedum
anglicum^241 ); aperient in birds (Isle of Man^242 ); pip (Limerick^243 ).
Silene vulgarisGarcke, bladder campion. Europe, temperate Asia and North
Africa; introduced into Australasia. To make a cow desire a bull (England,
unlocalised, as ‘Spatling Poppy’^244 ).
Smyrnium olusatrum,Alexanders. Mouth sores in cattle (Isle of Man^245 ).
Solanum dulcamara,bittersweet. For pigs ‘whenever badly’ (Lincoln-
shire^246 ).

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