Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


FIGURE 10 Rendering of the containment provided by the circumpolar jet that isolates the
region of highly enhanced ClO (shown in green) over the Antarctic continent. Evolution of the
anticorrelation between ClO and O 2 across the vortex transition is traced from: (A) the initial
condition observed on 23 August 1987 on the south-bound log of the flight; (B) summary of
the sequence over the ten-flight series; (C) imprint on O 3 resulting from 3 weeks of exposure to
elevated levels of ClO. Data panels do not include dive segment of trajectory; ClO mixing ratios
are in parts per trillion by volume; O 3 mixing ratios are in parts per billion by volume. From
Anderson et al. (1991). With permission.

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