+iPad iPhone Life - USA (2019-Fall)

(Antfer) #1

it organized. Best of all, it will be simple to fi nd things in the
folders you fi led them. If you need to search for something,
go ahead and do it as usual, and the search will look in all your
folders for you. Just make sure that when you search, you’re
searching all mailboxes instead of current mailbox.
One of the best tools I have ever found to make this task
easier is a simple Mac app called MailHub (free). Made by
Dervish software, it allows you to fi le, sort, and delete your
mail en masse rather than one by one, making sorting and
clearing out your email a much easier task.
To fi nd your email folders on your iPhone or iPad, open the
Mail app and navigate to the same mail account you had open
on your Mac. When you tap the name of the account from the
main Mailboxes view, it will expand to show any folders you
created in that account.


The Apple Photos app is a great tool for organizing, sorting,
and even editing your photos. While organizing can be a little
more complex, for now let’s just cover the basics of creating
folders and albums. Creating albums is easy. You can have an
album of a birthday party, a vacation, or of one particular per-
son. But after a few years, your list of albums can get unruly.
That is where creating your fi ve folders comes in.
In the Photos app on your Mac, you can actually create
folders to help you organize your albums. Start by creating
your fi ve basic folders. They may not be the same folders you
had in other programs, because photos are more specifi c. In
Photos, I like to use the following categories/folders: FAMILY,
The FAMILY folder is a perfect place for albums of specifi c
family members. Start with this folder, then add subfolders
for each person in the household. The EVENTS folder lets you
create subfolders for specifi c holidays (Christmas and Hal-
loween always have tons of pictures), graduations, weddings,
etc. As you organize, keep this rule in mind: Photos go into
albums, albums go into folders.
It is important to understand this because you cannot put
a picture directly into a folder, it has to go into an album fi rst.
Then the album can go in a folder.
No matter how you choose to organize your photos, or
which folders you choose to use, this method makes it easier
than you can imagine to fi nd what you’re looking for.

On your iPhone or iPad, go to the Photos app and click on
the albums tab to see your folders and albums. Folders will
show you a preview of the albums contained within them,
making it easier than ever to quickly browse through your pho-
tos to fi nd “that one picture.”
In summary, while search technology has made it easier
than ever to fi nd what we’re looking for, knowing where to
look is still faster and more effi cient. When you are on your
computer it is relatively easy to fi nd what you’re looking for,
but when you’re on an iPhone or iPad, the organization that
you did on the computer (which all synchronizes) pays off ex-
ponentially. Ѷ

Dylan Stewart, a.k.a. the MacWhisperer, is an Apple technology coach living in Los
Angeles who is dedicated to the belief that using technology should be simple and
fun. He has trained students ranging in age from 9 years old to 90 years old, and he
can train you too.
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