The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley
Malcolm X checked into Room 1129. Said Bradley, "As we entered the lobby, six men came in right after us. I recognized them as B ...
Malcolm X's arrival sent officials of Dr. King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference "into a tailspin." Quickly, the SCLC's ...
have been chosen to kill me. I will announce them at the meeting." And Malcolm X told a friend that he was going to apply to the ...
$3000 down-payment plus $1000 moving costs; he asked if I thought the publisher would advance him $4000 against the projected pr ...
thought since somealways came early, liking to get seats up close to the stage, to savor to the fullest the dramatic orator Malc ...
he went out to speak.) Then Brother Benjamin X's half-hour was up, and the young lady and Malcolm X, alone back there in the ant ...
registered nurse, "I don't know how I got up on the stage, but I threw myself down on who I thought was Malcolm-but it wasn't. I ...
restaurant, a man's voice stated, "No one is available to make any statement." When the OAAU office in the Theresa Hotel was tri ...
opened their Hotel Theresa headquarters and sat in the room and would not make any statements to reporters. The New York Daily N ...
Harlem was mostly asleep when around the Black Muslim Mosque Number 7, on the top floor of a four-story building at 116th Street ...
made his church available, and of Malcolm X,he said, ".. .a militant and vocal person. I did not agree with all of his philosoph ...
Brother Malcolm." At a late evening FIPA rally before Louis Mi-chaux's bookstore, Jesse Gray declared that in 1965 a Negro shoul ...
Said USIA Director Rowan, "Mind you, here was a Negro who preached segregation and race hatred, killed by another Negro, presuma ...
Chicago, to last for three days. Early Friday morning in New York at the Kennedy Airport dozens of policemen spent forty minutes ...
it easy! Take your time!" his audience pleaded with him. "He had no right to reject me!" Elijah Muhammad declared. "He was a sta ...
and outside Faith Temple. It was crispy cold outside. About six A.M., people began forming a line on the east side of Amsterdam ...
manhood, our living, black manhood! This was his meaning to his people. And, in honoring him, we honor the best in ourselves.... ...
New York, 19 65 OSSIE DAVIS ON MALCOLM X [Mr. Davis wrote the following in response to a magazine editor's question: Why did you ...
the sneaky suspicion that maybe, after all, you were a man! But in explaining Malcolm, let me take care not to explain him away. ...
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