Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Bill Phillips, Chris Stewart, Kristin Marsicano (

(gtxtreme123) #1

setRepeating(...) method (AlarmManager), 546
setResult(...) method (Activity), 105, 215
setRetainInstance(...) method (Fragment), 414
setTargetFragment(...) method (Fragment), 238
setter methods, generating, 35, 36
setText(int) method (TextView), 105
setTitle(int) method (AlertDialog.Builder),
setView(...) method (AlertDialog.Builder),
shape drawables, 439
ShapeDrawable class, 439
shared element transitions, 669-672
SharedPreferences class, 532
shouldOverrideUrlLoading(...) method
(WebViewClient), 589
show() method (Toast), 26
show(...) method (DialogFragment), 231
simulator (see emulator)
Single Responsibility Principle, 390
SingleFragmentActivity class, 377
singletons, 159, 179
snackbars, 676, 677
solutions file, 48
SoundPool class
about, 399-413
audio playback, 402-412
creating, 399
loading sounds into, 400
rotation and object continuity with, 413
SoundPool.release(), 412
unloading sounds, 412
SoundPool.release() method, 412
sp (scale-independent pixel), 201
SQLite databases
about, 269-288
building, 271-276
debugging, 276
defining schema for, 270
inserting and updating rows, 279
model objects from, 284-286
reading from, 281-286
writing to, 278-280
SQLiteDatabase.query(...) method, 281
stack traces
in Logcat, 76
logging of, 78
startActivity(Intent) method (Activity), 99

startActivityForResult(...) method
(Activity), 105
startActivityForResult(...) method
(Fragment), 215
state list animators, 665
state list drawables, 441
string resources
about, 14
creating, 15
referencing, 51
String.replace(...) method, 387
String.split(...) method, 387
strings file, 14, 15
strings, format, 293
strings.xml, 15
String[] class, 308
about, 203, 422-425
inheritance, 424, 435
modifying button attributes, 433-435
themes and, 203
styles.xml file, 422
support libraries, 130-133, 155, 156
(see also AppCompat library)
SupportMapFragment class, 650
SupportMapFragment.getMapAsync(...) method,
-sw600dp suffix, 324
sync adapters, 559
system icons, 253-255

tables, creating, 273
creating virtual devices for, 318
user interfaces for, 317-329
TAG constant, 57
about, 355
Android widgets’ inherent support, 359
android:hint attribute, 367
android:labelFor attribute and, 368
enabling, 356
linear navigation by swiping, 359
non-text elements and, 362-364
target fragments, 238
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