remove(Fragment) method
(FragmentTransaction), 223
request code (Activity), 105
res/layout directory, 18
res/menu directory, 250
res/values directory, 15, 18
resolveActivity(...) method (PackageManager),
302, 316
ResolveInfo class, 457
resource IDs
- prefix in, 20
about, 18-20
(see also configuration qualifiers, drawables,
layouts, menus, string resources)
about, 18
adding, 49
alias, 323-325
alternative, 349-353
vs assets, 382, 398
default, 341
localizing, 337-340
location of, 18
referencing in XML, 51
string, 14, 15
result code (Activity), 105
retained fragments, 414- 417
retainInstance property (Fragment), 414
activity lifecycle and, 63-68
saving data across, 68-70
with DatePicker, 234
rows, inserting and updating, 279
running on device, 46, 47
RuntimeException class, 84
RxJava, 579
s prefix for variable names, 35
sandbox, 269
savedInstanceState, 413
scale-independent pixel, 201
schema, database, 270
screen orientation, 65
screen pixel density, 48, 200, 344
screen size, determining, 335
SDK versions
(see also compatibility)
build target, 117
codenames, 113
installing, xxii
listed, 113
minimum required, 116
target, 116
updating, xxiii
about, 521-536
in Flickr, 521-526
integrating into app, 521
user-initiated, 526-531
SearchView class
about, 526-531
bug, 531
OnQueryTextListener(...), 530
post-Honeycomb, 527
responding to user interactions, 530
Serializable class, 413
adding to manifest, 539
bound, 555
lifecycle of, 554
locally bound, 555
non-sticky, 554
notifying user, 551
purpose of, 537
remotely bound, 556
sticky, 554
setArguments(...) method (Fragment), 210
setClassName(...) method (Intent), 461
setComponent(ComponentName) method
(Intent), 461
setContentView(...) method (Activity), 17
setHasOptionsMenu(boolean) method
(Fragment), 256
setJavaScriptEnabled(...) method
(WebSettings), 589
setOffscreenPageLimit(int) method
(FragmentStatePagerAdapter), 222
method, 23
setOnItemClickListener(...) method
(RecyclerView), 585
setOnTouchListener(...) method (View), 602
setPositiveButton(...) method
(AlertDialog.Builder), 230