Yoga Anatomy
Notes Except for the arm position, the muscular, spinal, and joint actions of this pose are virtu- ally identical to those of se ...
Salamba Sarvangasana Supported Shoulder Stand sah-LOM-bah sar-van-GAHS-anna salamba = with support (sa = with, alamba = support) ...
Skeletal joint actions Spine Upper limbs Lower limbs Cervical and upper thoracic flexion, lower thoracic and lumbar extension Sc ...
Notes The foundation of this pose, as in setu bandhasana (page 186), is the shoulder girdle (not the neck). To truly be a should ...
Niralamba Sarvangasana Unsupported (No-Arm) Shoulder Stand neera-LOM-bah sar-van-GAHS-anna niralamba = no support, independent, ...
Skeletal joint actions Spine Upper limbs Lower limbs Cervical and upper thoracic flexion, lower thoracic and lumbar extension Sc ...
Notes In this pose, the scapulae are elevated, adducted, and slightly upwardly rotated; without the levering action of the arms, ...
Viparita Karani Inverted Pose vip-par-ee-tah car-AHN-ee viparita = turned around, reversed, inverted; karani = doing, making, ac ...
Skeletal joint actions Spine Upper limbs Lower limbs Cervical and upper thoracic flexion, lower thoracic and lumbar extension Sc ...
Notes In salamaba sarvangasana (page 190), the erector muscles of the spine are more active than in viparita karani. In the lift ...
Halasana Plow Pose hah-LAHS-anna hala = plow E5267/Kaminoff/fig9.15a/417768/alw/pulled-r2 Spinal extensors Triceps brachii Hamst ...
Notes This pose has many variations: spine more or less extended, arms overhead, or hands on the back as in salamba sarvangasana ...
Karnapidasana Ear-to-Knee Pose KAR-na-peed-AHS-anna karna = ear; pidana = squeeze, pressure E5267/Kaminoff/fig9.16a/417770/alw/p ...
Notes Extensors of the spine should all lengthen evenly, ensuring that the opening is distributed along the whole spine. When th ...
Jathara Parivrtti Belly Twist JAT-hara par-ee-VRIT-ti jathara = stomach, belly, abdomen, bowels, the interior of anything; pariv ...
Notes To ensure that this twist is evenly distributed throughout the spine, it is important to maintain a neutral spine. This is ...
Jathara Parivrtti Variation With Legs Extended E5267/Kaminoff/fig9.18a/417774/alw/pulled-r2 Pectoralis major Piriformis Multifid ...
Matsyasana Fish Pose mots-YAHS-anna matsya = fish E5267/Kaminoff/fig9.19/417776/alw/pulled-r1 Sternocleidomastoid Rectus abdomin ...
Muscular joint actions Spine Concentric contraction Eccentric contraction To lift spine from floor in extension: Spinal extensor ...
Breathing In matsyasana the chest is expanded, but not as maximally as in the more difficult arm- supported urdhva dhanurasana ( ...
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