Yoga Anatomy

(Kiana) #1

Skeletal joint actions

Spine Upper limbs Lower limbs

Cervical and upper thoracic
flexion, lower thoracic and
lumbar extension

Scapular adduction, down-
ward rotation, and eleva-
tion; shoulder extension
and adduction; elbow
flexion; forearm supination;
wrist dorsiflexion

Hip flexion and adduction,
knee extension, ankle dor-

Muscular joint actions


Concentric contraction Eccentric contraction

To extend lower thoracic spine:
Spinal extensors

To resist lumbar hyperextension and counter
weight of leg:
Psoas major and minor, abdominal muscles

Upper limbs

Concentric contraction Eccentric contraction

To adduct, elevate, and downwardly
rotate scapula:
Rhomboids, levator scapulae
To stabilize shoulder joint and prevent
protraction of head of humerus:
Rotator cuff
To extend and adduct shoulder joint:
Triceps brachii (long head), teres major,
posterior deltoid
To flex elbow and supinate forearm:
Biceps brachii, brachialis

To receive and support weight of pelvis:
Flexors of wrist and hand

Lower limbs

Concentric contraction Eccentric contraction

To extend knee:

To resist leg falling toward face:
Hamstrings, gluteus maximus
To extend, adduct, and internally rotate hip:
Adductor magnus, gracilis
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