Plant Biotechnology and Genetics: Principles, Techniques and Applications

(Grace) #1

Figure 9.10.Confocal laser-scanning microscopy of leaf mesophyll cells transiently expressing
peptides fused to green fluorescent protein (green image) and yellow fluorescent protein (red
image). Green fluorescent protein is fused to the HDEL tetrapeptide (spGFP-HDEL) to achieve ER
retention and thus reveals the cortical ER network in leaf cells. The proximity of the Golgi to the
ER network is revealed by the yellow fluorescent protein fused to a Golgi glycosylation enzyme
(ST-YFP). (Bar¼10:m.) [Reprinted from Brandizzi et al. (2004), with permission.]

Figure 9.11.The green fluorescent protein has been useful for marking whole plants using a
35 S-GFP construct and plant parts such as pollen using a GFP under the control of a pollen-specific
promoter (LAT59) from tomato: (a) 867ms, 200under blue light; (b) 1.7ms, 200under white
light. The arrows in (a) show GFP fluorescence of pollen cells. (Photos courtesy of H. S. Moon
and Neal Stewart.)

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