How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

110 PowerPhrases in Action

PowerPhrases to Make Requests Are


You are not making a request for entertainment value—you’re
asking to get results. You want something they can give you.
Ask with this clear question in mind: What do you want and
what course of action is likely to get you that result?
When you negotiate with your boss, say for a new copier,
what will make it more likely for your boss to say “yes”? Your
boss needs to know why it makes sense to him or her for you
to have it. That means you don’t go in saying,

I need a new copy machine because I hate using the group

I’m not saying your boss doesn’t care, but he or she probably
doesn’t care in four figures. You are better off to go in saying,

We have a problem. In the course of a week I spend w
hours making copies. This is time I could use produc-
tively if I had my own machine. While I make xdollars
per hour, the total cost per hour for the company to
employ me is y.That means that in the course of a
month we spend zdollars because I do not have my
own copier. However, I’ve done the research and I have
found a machine that will pay for itself by January 1st.

Now you’re talking! Now your boss is listening. Now you get
results! Learn the ever-popular PowerPhrases,

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