How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

The Power of Saying NO! 117

Yes, it was awkward for the group for a moment, but had Robert
paid the divided tab he would have felt used and resentful. Then
a wealthy woman said, “No problem. I’ll pay for everyone!”
That improved everyone’s moods!
Using PowerPhrases to say “no” is so simple, so straightfor-
ward, and so powerful! It doesn’t make anyone wrong; it sim-
ply expresses your perspective.
That doesn’t mean it’s easy. According to my informal sur-
veys about two out of three of us have a “No-Saying-Defi-
ciency.” Read on for the road to recovery.

PowerPhrases to Say “No” Are Short

Well, for most cases “just say no” is a bit too short. But forget
the long explanations that sound like excuses! You don’t have to
go into a detailed explanation.
Recently, I asked a friend named Dawn if she could cover
a speaking engagement for me. She said,

Thanks for thinking of me, but I’m not available that
day. Ask again sometime.

Okay, Dawn, I’m waiting! I’m waiting for you to explain why.
What could you possibly be doing that is more important than
helping me out here? C’mon, and it better be good!
No explanation followed.
It felt odd. It felt incomplete. It felt...healthy! Why
should she have to explain why she couldn’t cover for me? I was
expecting her to explain simply because most people do. I
respect the fact that she didn’t.
An effective “no” is limited to three sentences.

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