How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Listen So They Speak Freely 127

out, (C) understand them, and (D) ensure that they feel heard,
understood and honored.

A) PowerPhrases That Make Them Feel Safe

Sheila responded to our efforts because she felt safe. Once she
knew that she could say anything, she wanted without any
argument, her defenses dropped. PowerPhrases to help that hap-
pen are:

I want to hear what you have to say.

I didn’t know you felt that way.

I see why that would be an issue for you.

I can imagine how that might have felt.

I appreciate you being so open with me.

B) PowerPhrases That Draw Them Out

Bob drew me out on our magical day by making the day about
me. He put himself on hold. If he did that forever, I wouldn’t
feel safe, but with the foundation of safety that we have with each
other, it was delightful. PowerPhrases that aid this process are:

Tell me more.

What else can you tell me about that?

That’s an interesting point.
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