How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

To Get Good Answers You Need Good Questions 141

What did you hear Joe say to Frieda about the reports?

Ask yourself: Will your question get you the specific informa-
tion you are looking for?

PowerPhrase Questions Are Targeted

There are many objectives for asking questions: 1) to get the lis-
tener involved (most of my questions in this book are to get you
thinking and involved), 2) to find out what someone knows, 3)
to see whether someone means what he or she is saying, 4) to
make sure you were clear, 5) to gather information, 6) to regain
the balance of control in a conversation.
To get people thinking and involved, use PowerPhrase ques-
tions like,

Have you ever had the experience...?

What do you do when...?

Wouldn’t you like to...?

Can you imagine...?

To find out what someone knows ask,

How do you do this process?

What is your understanding of...?
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