How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

172 PowerPhrases in Action

Avoid saying anything you have no intent to follow-up on.
Ask yourself,

Do I really mean this? If I am tested, will I follow

Avoid saying,

I refuse to be searched like a common criminal.

if you don’t have the power to refuse the search, and might have
to submit.
Avoid saying,

If you show up late again, I’ll leave.

if you don’t plan to follow-through.
Avoid saying,

I’m going to report you.

if you have no idea how to do that and no intention to go to
the trouble of finding out and taking action.
Meaning what you say when expressing anger is what makes
your words work for you. Many people will shout empty threats
at high volume, thinking they are speaking powerfully, while
others have discovered quiet resolve to be much more effective.
When you yell, you come across as being out of control. When
you speak calmly, clearly, and mean every word you say, you
sound in control.
When you need stronger PowerPhrases to communicate the

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