How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

236 Put Y0ur Best Self Forward with PowerPhrases

  1. Get specific about the ——— of your anger and the

———of your anger.

Source; true nature.

  1. What two questions must you ask yourself when using
    PowerPhrases to handle disagreements?

    1. What outcome do I want from this conversation?

    2. What wors are most likely to get me those results?

  2. List three key PowerPhrases to handle disagreements.

Here are several:
You’re right, and I have a different opinion.
I see it differently.
That’s one perspective. I have a different one.
You’re right. My thoughts are...
That may be. What makes sense to me is...
You may be right. Let’s look at the facts and see.
Help me to understand how you see it that way.
Can you clarify that?
That’s an interesting perspective. What if...?
It looks like we are in agreement about a couple of
things here...A)...and B)....Where we are
still at odds is....

  1. List three key PowerPhrases to handle conflict.

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